EMANATE: The Erasmus Mundus Association Magazine
EMANATE Magazine is a publication crafted by Erasmus Mundus Association Communications Team, aimed to build upon an international community and network of global citizens by reaching prospective and current students, alumni, EM Coordinators, and the general public interested in higher education and international mobility. The magazine reflects EMA values of excellence, diversity, equality, education, and sustainability but more importantly, aims to contribute to increasing social inclusion, empowerment, and participation.
During the past couple of months, I took over as one of the Editors in Chief of the publication crafted by the Communications Team of the Erasmus Mundus Association, a non-profit organisation, entirely run by volunteers, that gathers more than 10,000 students and Alumni from Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees.
Together, we submit a proposal to the European Commission, which allocated a small budget for the Association to publish two issues of the EMANATE Magazine, a publication that had been circulating for several years and had been in stand by for a couple of them.
For the first issue, we selected the Central Theme “Winds of Change”. One of the main purposes of this edition was to explain the internal changes that EMA is currently undergoing, aiming towards becoming a stronger organisation with worldwide impact.
The second issue’s Central Theme was “Does it Matter?”, linked to another EMA project which advocates “for respect, understanding, and empathy regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality, social status, religious beliefs, skin colour, diverse abilities – or any other human condition -“.
The EMANATE Magazine is a publication crafted by Erasmus Mundus Association Communications Team, aimed to build upon an international community and network of global citizens by reaching prospective and current students, alumni, EM Coordinators, and the general public interested in higher education and international mobility. The magazine reflects EMA values of excellence, diversity, equality, education, and sustainability but more importantly, aims to contribute to increasing social inclusion, empowerment, and participation.