[PODCAST] Cracking The Code For A Healthy Living
This time Estefanía brings one of her best friends Kate Tobar, who is a Data Journalist and a healthy living geek. Join us to hear Kate cracking the code for the healthy living :).

Cracking The Code For A Healthy Living With Kate Tobar, Estefanía Zárate Angarita And Marta Rodriguez-Karpowicz
Part 1.
Part 2.
This time Estefanía brings one of her best friends Kate Tobar, who is a Data Journalist and a healthy living geek. Join us to hear Kate cracking the code for the healthy living :).
In This Episode We Discussed:
- What is Kate’s routine that sets her off to a healthy day?
- How does she manage to work out almost every single day?
- How does a healthy mindset impact our healthy living?
- Why is self-love one of the most important ingredients of healthy living?
- Why is balance such a big deal?
- What is intuitive eating?
- Anxiety, confidence and healthy living…
- And many more!
What’s Special About Kate?
Kate about Kate: ” Let´s go NUTS in the Kitchen! Hola mis amig@s =) Bienvenidos to my wellness column. I am a part-time vegan and a healthy foodie who finds joy by tasting new recipes in the kitchen while exercising on a daily basis. I am from Ecuador but first came to Denmark back in 2016 to pursue my Master’s degree in Data Journalism. My second year took place in London where I got enthusiastic about world class food trends. Ever since, I started my personal Instagram account @katemtobar mainly focused on showing the lifestyle of an international postgrad overcoming personal and professional challenges in a foreign land. When I was living in the USA back in 2013 I used to think that eating a salad topped with ranch dressing, croutons and lots of cheddar cheese accompanied with a small side of French fries was such THE healthiest well-deserved dinner. Well, the joke was on ME, not wonder why I gained 4 kilos despite running 10 km almost every day as part of the cross country team? The next year, I CUT OFF ALL SORT of CARBOHYDRATES from my diet trying as hard as I could to lose all that weight. Did I mention that at the time I was doing CROSSFIT EVERY single day of the week? It was not so long ago that I finally have overcome this FEAR. I call it now IGNORANCE. My Friends often say: ¨Kate time is healthy time”, SI – INDEED. I like to crack the code of a healthy living in a SUSTAINABLE but FUN approach. Hasta la próxima. Miss Piggy =).”
How To Find Kate?
Kate’s Instagram